WooFu Ai

WooFu Ai

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safe degen way

safe degen way

Photography of Graffiti on Brickwall

Meet WooFu Ai, the DeGen with a cause!

WooFu is a symbol of degen freedom and wealth with purpose. Explore Woofu's journey as he challenges the norms, fights for decentralized treats, and leads the pack in creating a meme utopia on the blockchain.

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100% Liquidity Burned Forever

Mint Rebuked

Anti-dump system

Street art graffiti

WooFu’s future plans

  • Decentralized AI Projects: Explore partnerships with decentralized AI projects or platforms. This could involve showcasing AI-powered artwork, collaborating with AI artists, or even hosting events related to AI and decentralization.

  • Woofu Mobile Game: Develop a mobile game featuring Woofu as the protagonist. The game could involve navigating through decentralized challenges, collecting blockchain bones, and overcoming obstacles. Consider incorporating decentralized elements or rewards within the game.

  • Collaborations and Partnerships: Collaborating with other decentralized projects, meme creators, or influencers could amplify the reach of Woofu and create a broader movement.

  • Gaming Challenges for the Community: Announce gaming challenges for the Woofu Fighter community, encouraging members to participate, share their achievements, and possibly win Woofu-themed prizes.

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Braque D'Auvergne (3 Years)
graffiti brick wall

WooFu’s Tokenomics

Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 $WOOFU

Buy Tax: 0%

Sell Tax: 0%

LP Burned: 100%


Team: 5%

Marketing: 5%

Airdrop: 3%

$WOOFU Address: Solscan


100% Secured

Mint authority is disabled and Liquidity is burned.

Your safety is our outmost important.

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Samurai Holding a Katana

Join the Woofu-lution

Join Woofu figther now! There’s something for everybody. Follow along, chat on Telegram, or read up on what we’re doing. Come explore our tale where the rebel spirit mixes with community strength and meme utopia.

Woofu The Degen Way is not just a meme; it's an project with purpose!

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We are hiring Announcement Megaphone Label. Loudspeaker speech bubble.